Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Crime and Law enforcement (Do the UK police discriminate against Essay

Crime and Law enforcement (Do the UK police discriminate against ethnic minority groups) - Essay Example belonging in ethnic minority groups would not be regarded as acceptable especially in countries, like the United Kingdom, where the protection of equality among all the people in the country is one of the governmental priorities. In order to understand and evaluate the behaviour of British police towards the ethnic minority groups, it would be necessary to refer primarily to the general context of these groups within the national territory (percentage of population, main activities and involvement in criminal actions and so on). The existing legislation related with these groups should be also mentioned ensuring that the principle of equality is applied on all the aspects of life of people with the particular origin. It should be noticed that a major problem regarding the evaluation of the British police practices towards the people of ethnic minority groups is the fact that no recent data are available in relation with the presence of these people in the British population. Probably because a long process is required for the retrieval of the relevant info, the last available data on the percentages of ethnic minority groups in various aspects of British life refer to 2004. A series of photos people of ethnic/ minority groups in Britain is presented in the Appendix section (Figures 2-4). The presence of ethnic minority groups can be characterized as limited. In fact, in accordance with the most recent evaluation of the origin of people living in UK (in 2001) it was estimated that ‘92.1 per cent of the UK population described themselves as white (though not necessarily British); the remaining 7 per cent  (4.6 million) belonged to non-white ethnic minority groups’ (ESRC, 2007, online report). However, in the years that followed it would be normally expected that this percentage has been differentiated – the percentage of ethnic minority groups in UK is expected to having been increased. In the percentage mentioned above the level of Asian people is rather

Monday, October 28, 2019

The role, purpose and responsibilities of a chosen uniformed public service army Essay Example for Free

The role, purpose and responsibilities of a chosen uniformed public service army Essay Having respect for one another in the army is an advantage as it boosts thoughtfulness, demands decency, and recognizes the value of everyone Respect is the root source for people living in harmony and being consideration toward others. Respecting one another shows that you have put aside your differences such as race, color, sexuality and religion. Respect is earned and isn’t given. In order to gain someone respect you must show them a positive character. Being able to be loyalty is a main attribute as in the battle field you will need to have each other’s back. For example if one of your men has injured them self you will need to make him priority and stop fighting and put attention on him, because his life is more important than fighting with opponent. Being loyal also means not to turn your back in one of your team mates will they need your help. For example if your team mates have not got his army shoes you could maybe lead him some so that you both are able to work on the front line. Also if you team mate has ran out of bullets supplying him with extras that you may have is involved in loyalty. Courage I feel is a key skill for a solider, you will need to be able to face tough situation and know how to deal with them using the appropriate action. Courage will be need to overcome tough, painful and difficult circumstances. Courage is fear holding on a minute longer -Gen. George Patton- 09/10/12 The role of the army is to protect the country. The army’s main reasonability is to look out for the citizens that live in the United Kingdom and ensure their safety. They will have to protect them from terrorism and wars. These people are highly trained individuals who have over gone a series of test physically, mental and social side of it in order to get in the army. Everyone who joins the army’s needs to have good fitness whether they are applying for the cook’s role or the front line as everyone in the army are so ldiers first Secondly they have a responsibility towards the United Nations, European Union and the NATO. These larger scaled organizations are formed in order to promote peace, safety and protection to the different countries part of the organization. Part of being in these different organizations they United Kingdom have committed to send any sorts of military equipment or troops when and where needed. The troops who are  called from different countries come together in the needed country in order to help their army out in what where they need. Such as help to patrol, help to stabilize the army, use the different equipment and to create a effective and efficient team Furthermore the United Kingdom’s army may go into different countries to help them. Our British army is currently in Iran. They are there in order to teach them how to govern the country. Help them by stabilizing their army and economy. Teaching them the basics of discipline so that they benefits and enforce this in their country. However some countries dislike this as they feel that the British troop are interfering with their country and feel they taking over. On the other hand some people feel it is beneficial as it helps them become independent and are able to stand alone. The army also steps in in major incidents. When the London 7/7 took place all the emergency services and the army came together so that they were able to calm the public and get everything back on track as soon as possible.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

seatbelt :: essays research papers

Internet File Sharing and the Music Industry Imagine millions of songs accessible in one place. Today songs are just a few clicks away since the introduction of the internet and file sharing. File sharing is simply taking a file and allowing other internet users to download and use the file permanently. The accessibility and use of file sharing programs has devastated the music industry financially. The fact that almost every song recorded today is accessible through a free program encourages most consumers to download rather than buy. This is why illegal file sharing programs are driving the music industry’s profits down. The making of MP3’s allows internet users to share and distribute songs quickly and easily. The letters MP are short for MPEG, which stands for Moving Picture Experts Group. The 3 stands for the third compression method that Dr. Karlkeinz Brandenburg, at the Frainhofer Institute, developed. â€Å"Ripping† or â€Å"Burning† is taking an original song or songs from a CD or other music source and compressing it to the small MP3 format. This method ingeniously removes all of the sounds and frequencies that the human ear cannot hear to eventually end up with a file that is about one tenth of the original size yet lack no noticeable quality (PC Complete 688-693). Now that the file is compressed, it is ready to do many new things that it could not do before. One of these is to be transferred over the internet. The conflict that arises from this is when people compress copyrighted music into the MP3 format and make it available to anyone on the internet (PC Complete 694) . This is called â€Å"file sharing†, and it is a major topic of debate among the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), who seeks total control of its copyrighted material. The most popular form of exchanging music on the internet is known as file sharing. File sharing occurs after the music has been converted to smaller MP3 format. The smaller format allows the files to be downloaded, transferred, or copied in just a matter of seconds. The most popular file sharing program until a couple of years ago was Napster. Napster was a file sharing program that essentially gave birth to the file sharing industry. A federal lawsuit was filed against Napster for copyright violation. The federal court ruled Napster must remove any copyrighted material that had previously been available.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Autobiography Essay -- Louis MacNeice Poems Poetry Essays

Autobiography The title autobiography is ironic. This poem works on deception. It's simple but deliberate deceptive as some emotions are quite dark. The poem characterises the illness and death of Louis MacNeice's mother. The poem starts off quite happy, the use of colour is important in this poem, as green suggests spring and happiness. Yellow suggests sunlight, youth and pleasant. Black suggests horrific and ghastly images and dark also suggests horrific and frightening images. The rhyming couplets give us a sense of ease in his childhood but the refrain "Come back early or never come" introduces us to loss and abandonment. MacNeice gives his mother happy colours like yellow, showing that he loved her, but he gives his father no colour at all showing that he doesn't ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Case study: Managing Customer Quality Service Essay

There are number of reasons show the difference of LCV between these two stores. First of all, when people go in a shop, they look for what they want, and then the first important consideration comes up from their mind is the PRICE. Price is the amount of money that charged for a product or service. In reality, people like comparing prices on the same brand of product from different shops to find out which one can meet their budget. In the case study, Laura spends more amount of money in the second newsagent each week is probably because of its price is higher than the other one. However, â€Å"Price alone rarely provides a long-term competitive advantage.† (Jacques Horovitz 1990, p.30) This statement emphasises even if a business sells its products at a lower price, but in the long run, the business may still not compete against the other businesses because today’s customers want more psychological needs rather than cheap price, and they are increasingly difficult to satisfy. This statement also leads to the next point. Lastly, the element that goes after price would be QUALITY SERVICE. Nowadays, the quality of service is usually twice as important as price and it has become a major factor in many purchase decisions. For example, one day I went to a coffee shop to buy a cup of coffee, the assistant kept talking on her phone so I stood there for about three minutes and waited, but she still ignored me, therefore I rather went to Gloria Jeans to buy an expensive cup of coffee instead of standing there and wasting my time. â€Å"Service comes from people, not companies.† (Catherine Devrye 2000, p.8) This statement indicated that service only exists in human experience. If we cannot provide quality service to our existing customers, they may hide from their dissatisfaction with service; but if customers dissatisfied with their first experience are almost always lost customers. So, Laura prefers to go to the second newsagent which may cost more but she paid for what she wanted and it is worth because she can have Chris’s friendly smile and kindly greeting. Thus, the difference in price and the level of service quality in business can lead to a difference in LCV of each store. Q2) How would you rate the level of service provided by the two newsagents? Why?I would give two out of 5 of the service provided by the first newsagent  because in the article it says † The owner never appears to recognise her.†, which indicates that the owner has no interaction or communication with customers and this also shows that he does not concentrate on the service he should provide. Despite, the store has a large range of goods and is well laid out and clean, but the owner doesn’t treasure this as an opportunity to attract more new customers. On the contrary, he provides bad service or even no service to customers which may due to people start leaving his business and work for his competitors. For the new newsagent, I would rate four out of 5 to the service it provides to its customers because the owner, Chris, greeted Laura with a smile and asked if she needs any help. This is a good example of good quality service. â€Å"Service goes beyond friendliness or kindness.† (Jacques Horovitz 1990, p.3) So, by asking questions and listening carefully to the answers can make customers feel that they are not by themselves, they got someone to look after and finally they enjoy going in there. Moreover, Chris understands the concept of treating customers as long-term appreciating asset, will help to build image and trust of her store and hence to attract more new customers and increase their loyalty. Q3) Although Laura shopped at the first newsagent regularly, was she loyal? Do you think the first newsagent confused â€Å"satisfaction† or even â€Å"nowhere else to go† with loyalty? Why is this dangerous for a business? How would you advise the first newsagent to proceed if she is to retain her customer base? In your answer, include a discussion on meeting the psychological needs of customers. Although Laura shopped at the first newsagent regularly but she was not loyal to the business. I think the first newsagent confused the concept of both â€Å"satisfaction† and â€Å"nowhere else to go† with loyalty. Satisfaction is a form of attitude that contributes to customers. â€Å"Customer satisfaction is the ultimate objective of every business: not to supply, not to sell, not to service, but to  satisfy the needs that drive customers to do business.† (Mack Hanan / Peter Karp 1991, xi) Every business needs to generate some level of customer satisfaction in order to increase loyalty. Otherwise, no satisfied customers, it would have no business. Unlike satisfaction, â€Å"loyalty can be defined in term of buying behaviour.† (Jill Griffin 1995, p.31) A loyal customer is the one who makes regular repeat purchases, has a specific bias about what and who to from and generates â€Å"word-of-mouth†. It is dangerous for a business because the owner who might assume the customers keep coming back because he satisfied their wants and they are loyal, but in fact they are nowhere else to go. Besides, if a new and the same type of business opens in the same area, it can be a disaster, new challenge and obstacle to the existing business because people always like to try new things and new businesses always generate attractive promotions to attract new customers such as discounts, join member for free or free gift etc. As a result, it can cause the existing business starts losing its regular customers because of poor customer service or higher price in products. Eventually it leads to a loss in sales and profits, reputation and cost a lot of time to reform and attract new customers. There are many ways to retain customer base in the first newsagent. Firstly, there is a simple way to learn about customer satisfaction in your business which is to conduct a satisfaction survey. A satisfaction survey is an important tool for business to collect customers’ opinions and points of view, and it also gives the insight of what most customers want and expect. Therefore, the questions in the survey need to focus on the various aspects of quality and customer service. Once the survey results are collected, it is necessary to analyse and identify each one of them and finally applies to the newsagent where it is necessary,Secondly, the owner in the first newsagent needs to generate more interactions with her customers because talking to your customers is a good chance to build up their loyalty and understand more about their wants. â€Å"Customers are not loyal to products.†Ã‚  (Mack Hanan / Peter Karp 1991, p.155) Customers are loyal to your service. If you can provide good quality service and satisfy their wants, they can become your loyal customers. Meanwhile, the owner needs to meet customer’s psychological needs such as to greet customers with a smile on your face and ask if they need any help in particular, because some people are scared or shy to ask questions. So that, by asking questions and listening carefully to the answers would make customers feel you understand what they ask for, and you are looking after them in order to satisfy their wants. Lastly, the owner should search for some special touches with her customers regularly such as discounts, longer working hours, join member for free or free gifts. That will help the business to stand out from the crowd because customers always want you to take an extra step to please them. Thus, by conducting a satisfaction survey, meeting customer’s psychological needs and providing special touches with customers will help the first newsagent to retain its customer bas and hence to increase revenue, loyalty and reputation of the newsagent. Q4) What opportunities are there in a newsagency to provide sensational moments of truth?There are number of opportunities to provide sensational moments of truth in a newsagent. The aisles are clear of debris. Customers always receive correct change. Customers wait in a queue less than three minutes. The person at the checkout is efficient. All staffs greet customers with a smile, have a small talk and customise goodbye to customers. Goods that customers want are stocked and attractively displayed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Proposed Study To Determine The Effects Of Heat On Essays

Proposed Study To Determine The Effects Of Heat On Essays Proposed Study To Determine The Effects Of Heat On Immediate Recall Of Videotaped Lecture In College Students, Age 18 - 25 Proposed Study to Determine the Effects of Heat on Immediate Recall of Videotaped Lecture in College Students, Age 18 - 25 Dana Serrata The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College PSYC 3301.01 December 3, 1996 Dr. D. Freeberg Proposed Study to Determine the Effects of Heat on Immediate Recall of Videotaped Lecture in College Students, Age 18 - 25 Researchers have studied many aspects of temperature effects on human perception and cognition. Thermal stress, in the form of extreme heat, has been studied by examining the human response under this environmental condition (Hancock, 1986). In this way, researchers hope to gain a better understanding of how the human body and mind react to adverse environmental conditions and adapt to those circumstances or surroundings (Bell, 1981). Many studies of this type have focused on thermal stress and human performance in the work environment (Enander Bonnet, 1990; Meese, et al. 1984). Bonnet (1990) suggests that an elevated ambient temperature increases the stress of work. Researchers seem to agree that the core temperature of the body is closely tied to the perception of uncomfortable heat (or cold) (Bell, 1981; Bonnet, 1990; Enander Meese, et al. 1984; Hancock, 1986). Bell (1981) states that the core temperature of the body is 98.6 F, and that an elevation of this temperature above 113 F leads to death. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) endorses a range of temperatures that may be considered ambient and provide thermal comfort for most people. This ambient range is from 76F to 80F with an average relative humidity of 45% (Rohles, 1973). Some researchers have manipulated the ambient temperature to induce heat stress while testing subjects on cognitive and mental tasks. Pepler and Warner (1968) had undergraduate students study a self-teaching programmed text during exposure to six different temperature levels ranging from 16.7 to 33.3C at 45% relative humidity. These students worked at a faster rate at high and low temperatures, with a higher rate of error. Wyon (1979), who has studied the effects of heat stress on mental performance in children, found that maximum performance on a word memory test was reached at 26C. Bell and Greene (1982) have discussed three theoretical approaches which have been applied to interpret the effects of thermal stress on performance of which attention is one; along with body temperature and arousal. In their theory regarding attention, Bell and Greene state that information overload occurs when the demand for attention exceeds the limited information processing capacity available. This situation would be more likely to occur when an environmental stressor is present. Therefore, according to their theory, task performance changes under thermal stress and promotes adaptability in the cognitive strategies used to complete the task (Cohen, et al. 1986). Unfortunately, little research has been conducted on the effects of thermal stress on cognitive and mental tasks. Most research has focused on vigilance and manual tasks which reflects the practical purpose of these studies, which have been geared toward the military and certain types of work environments (Enander & Hygge, 1990). However, the research which has been conducted suggests an adverse effect on cognitive functions by thermal stress. This study proposes that the thermal heat stress encountered in a classroom will negatively effect the immediate recall ability of undergraduate college students. A post-test on content recall of a videotaped lecture will be given to two groups, the experimental group will be assigned to the hot room and encounter the thermal stress, while the control group will be in an ambient temperature classroom. Low scores on the post-test for the thermally stressed group will indicate a possible effect of heat on recall ability. Method Participants Participants will be 60 volunteers, 30 male and 30 female, undergraduate students from introductory psychology courses at The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College. Participants will range in age from 18 to 25 years old, must be fluent in the English language (written and spoken), must have normal or corrected eyesight and hearing, and no chronic physical problems. Participants will be randomly assigned to either the ambient temperature or hot temperature classroom, with

Monday, October 21, 2019

the schlifflen plan essays

the schlifflen plan essays In 1905, General Alfred von Schlieffen, who at that time was the Chief of the General Staff of Germany, developed a plan for war in Europe. He developed the plan in an attempt to prepare for the inevitable, a two front war with France and Russia. When he developed the plan he took in account all aspects of the many events that were occurring during that time. Unfortunately, the plan would involve a violation of the International Agreement, signed by the Great Powers in 1839, guaranteeing Belgiums permanent neutrality. Schlieffen believed that France would attempt to recover Alsace-Lorraine. He planned to draw the French into a major offensive battle in Alsace. While Frances attention was turned to that part of the country, 90% of the German Army would storm through Belgium and the Netherlands toward the South of Paris in a sweeping movement. This would allow the German forces to travel through the borders of Belgium, Netherlands, and the surrounding country side toward the South Paris, entrapping the French Army between the two German forces. This would allow Germany to attack the French army from their weaker point in the rear. With the French Army engaged in war with the other 10% of the German Army, the French would not notice the Germans coming from the rear. The Germans coming form the rear would push the French forward, trapping them between the two German forces. William the Second, the Emperor of Germany, replaced General Schlieffen with Helmuth von Moltke, as the Chief of the Gen eral Staff of Germany in 1906. Moltke modified the Schlieffen Plan from the original version. The Schlieffen Plan was a very engenus plan. The plan was devised for the German troops to be dispersed as follows: 1) 11 corps and 7 Reserve corps South of Namur 2) 6 corps and 1/2 Reserve corps through Mezieres 3) 8 corps and 5 Reserve corps through Verdun and Metz 4) 3 corps and 1 Reserve corps th...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Phase Equiliubrium of Naphthalene and Biphenyl Mixture Essay Example

Phase Equiliubrium of Naphthalene and Biphenyl Mixture Essay Example Phase Equiliubrium of Naphthalene and Biphenyl Mixture Paper Phase Equiliubrium of Naphthalene and Biphenyl Mixture Paper Abstract Thermal analysis of a solid-liquid phase using cooling curves at various compositions is a method used to obtain the eutectic composition and temperature of naphthalene-biphenyl. The XE was 0. 45 and the TE was 310. 3K these are slightly different from the theoretical values which are 0. 44 and 312K respectively. Results The cooling curves obtained from both groups Group A Group B The table with the mole fraction and the actual masses added. RUN| Group A| Group B| Naphthalene (g)| Biphenyl added (g)| Biphenyl (g)| Naphthalene added (g)| | target| actual| Mole fraction| target| actual| target| actual| target| actual| Mole fraction| 1| 2. 0| 2. 0| 0. 924| 0. 2| 0. 197| 2. 0| 2. 053| 0. 2| 0. 198| 0. 104| 2| | | 0. 799| 0. 4| 0. 605| | | 0. 2| 0. 410| 0. 194| 3| | | 0. 713| 0. 4| 0. 970| | | 0. 2| 0. 604| 0. 262| 4| | | 0. 605| 0. 6| 1. 570| | | 0. 4| 1. 004| 0. 371| The table which shows the thermal breaks and arrests un| Naphthalene (g)| Biphenyl added (g) (Group A)| Biphenyl (g)| Naphthalene added (g) (Group B)| | target| actual| | target| actual| Temperature(K)| target| actual| target| actual| Temperature(K)| | | | | | | break| arrest| | | | | break| arrest| 1| 2. 0| 2. 0| | 0. 2| 0. 197| 346. 9| -| 2. 0| 2. 053| 0. 2| 0. 198| 333. 6| -| 2| | | | 0. 4| 0. 605| 337. 9| 308. 5| | | 0. 2| 0. 410| 328. 9| 308. 6| 3| | | | 0. 4| 0. 970| 331. 5| 311. 3| | | 0. 2| 0. 604| 323. 4| 310. 3| 4| | | | 0. 6| 1. 570| 322. 5| 311. 3| | | 0. 4| 1. 004| 313. | 312. 2| The phase diagram of naphthalene-biphenyl binary system Discussion and answers This experiment is concerned with the thermal analysis of the solid-liquid phase diagram of a binary system. A binary system consists of two metals that may form an alloy or it could be a mixture of naphthalene-biphenyl which are organic compounds. This equilibria is essentially independent from the pressure changes due to the small molar volume change associated with fusio n which leads to the main focus mainly on the temperature-composition diagrams (phase diagrams). The solid-liquid equilibria are shown on a phase diagram with the aid of cooling curves at different compositions. When a phase change takes place the total energy content changes and this is revealed during cooling. This is the reason why cooling curves are used. A binary system consists of two components that can form solid solutions which could cover from one range to another. For this to take place the crystal structure of these components should be the same with that of the mixture. If there is lattice incompatibility the solid solutions exists but they will be limited because of the different crystal structures of the components or the molecular size and shape. During the experiment, the first run the test tube had been contaminated which led to the production of a really unrealistic cooling curve because when a component is cooling the freezing point of that solid is altered because it’s no longer pure. The cooling curves all have signs of undercooling caused by not stirring the contents properly because of the solid formation. The under cooling is when the liquid cools down below the freezing point before crystallization. Once solidification starts the temperature rises to the freezing point and remains constant till solidification is complete. (Garland, et al. , 2003) A thermal arrest shows that one of the liquids has started solidification and the energy which was used before to cool the solid is now used up for the solid formation thus the temperature will remain constant. The cooling will only continue after the solid formation is complete. (Anon. , 2009) The experimental TE obtained was 310. 3K which is less than the theoretical TE which is 312. 2K and the experimental XE obtained was 0. 45 which is slightly near to the theoretical XE of 0. 44. The reasons for these deviations could have been due to undercooling which tends to make breaks hard to distinguish from arrests especially the curve obtained in run 4 by group B. he errors could have been to the wrong use of the apparatus especially the probe had to be placed on the walls of the test tube this could lead to the wrong temperature being recorded. The other error could have occurred due to the other solids sticking to the rod and then distorting the readings. When the solid solubility exists it is often hard to obtain the true solidus from cooling curves this is because it is hard to obtain the solid-liquid equilibrium which requires a continuous variation in the composition of the solid. Bunnel le, et al. , n. d. ) References Anon. , 2009. Lead or Tin Phase diagrams. [Online] Available at: sanjose. edu/labnotes/tech25 [Accessed 09 April 2013]. Bunnelle, W. H. , Meyer, L. A. amp; Glaser, R. E. , n. d. Recrystallization and Melting Point Determination. [Online] Available at: www. chem. missouri. edu/ /Recrystallization%20notes. doc [Accessed 09 April 2013]. Garland, C. W. , Nibler, J. W. amp; Shoemaker, D. P. , 2003. Experiments in Physical Chemistry. 7th Edition ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Rose for Emily Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A Rose for Emily - Research Paper Example Emily in her course of life lost her father and lover and was living an aloof life. We have sympathy for Emily but cannot really have a deep visual about her life. Anyway, it was obvious from her life that she had spent a tragic life mainly filled with skepticism and tragedy (Thesis). Emily has never lived an independent life. All she had was poverty and the house that her father left before his death. Emily was always under the control of her father and did not find a suitable partner to live with. Her father always wanted to control her and in this struggle she was left all alone after her father’s death. After her father’s death she was not paying tax and she kept herself away from the township. Later she met Homer and fell in love with him, but killed him with arsenic and continued to keep his rotten body with her. Describing the poverty of Emily The poverty of Emily is described here with the criticism from various authors and each one is as follows. 1) Father†™s hidden body From my analysis of the short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, we may gauge the character of her as a psychopath. She is definitely a case of mentally unstable woman, and people did not have much connection with her, hence none could acknowledge her disorder. This is the understanding of mine and this thought of mine is similar to that of the criticism of Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren. Both of these authors conducted an evaluation of the story of Faulkner and claimed that Emily is a pathological case. A normal person would not hide the body of another person from the public sight. The stench coming from home could be that of her father’s hidden dead body. She loved her father as they shared a nice and warm relationship with each other and she was barely able to accept her father’s death. She loved him because he provided for her life and comforted her and also handed over the house to her. However, both authors feel that the story lacks ju stification and meaning as Faulkner was only keen on narrating the psychopath nature of Emily. It is a fact what authors have said because even I feel that the story looks incomplete in some way. According to Brooks and Warren, â€Å"Miss Emily is obviously a pathological case. The narrator indicates plainly enough that people felt that she was crazy.† Emily here does not have an identity or characterization since the author intends mainly to portray her as a victim of the dominating world of men. 2) Homosexual Homer Emily loved Homer and her character evoked piety and sympathy from her contemporaries. Emily killed Homer just after one year of their alleged love relationship. She sleeps with the dead body of Homer, which is rotting in the bed in a room upstairs. Here we can perceive the state of Emily as abnormal, where she is mentally disordered and shows signs of a pathological condition. Here we can understand that Emily killed Homer because he was a homosexual. She believ ed that Homer was still alive and for that reason she hugs his decayed body and sleeps. She killed Homer because she could not accept the fact that he was homosexual. According to critic Ray West, Homer was an unheroic figure and Emily had a resisting quality which can be mentioned as â€Å"heroic.† According to West< â€Å"Her tragic flaw is the conventional pride: she undertook to regulate the natural time-universe.† Emily never wanted the time to move on as she wished to cuddle up with the body of her dead lover. The Barron Homer and Emily did have an affair

Friday, October 18, 2019

Situational analysis for UNICEF Supply Division Assignment

Situational analysis for UNICEF Supply Division - Assignment Example Rather than seeking to treat the myriad of illnesses that contribute to diarrhea and/or dehydration, the better approach would be to find a way to treat the symptoms to greatly reduce the risk that death or serious injury to the patient will occur. Due to the high number of shareholders that any and all UNICEF programs ultimately reach, a prime determinate that is always engaged is the necessity to keep costs down per patient and per treatment. As a function of this, oral rehydration salts have proven to be an effective means of countering the negative effects of diarrhea and the dehydration and death that it can ultimately cause. Furthermore, the utilization of oral rehydration salts (ORS) is one of the most cost effective means of treatment that exists. In such a way, the reader can and should understand that ORS, when purchased and applied to affected communities in bulk can cost but a few dollars per application. This determinant is extremely important as it must be considered wi thin the context of how UNICEF divides and utilizes a limited budget that has many other health goals that are clamoring for attention. As a function of the needs that are represented within the environment, the realities of the marketplace, the overall cost of application of such a means of treatment, and the positioning that such a utilization would infer, this analysis will seek to draw an inference based upon these determinants. Oral rehydration salts (ORS) are one of the few medical treatments that have changed little since their introduction. Preliminary application of ORS has been traced as far back as the year 1500 BC in India. However, the use and application of ORS within the current era has continued to develop as medical science and an understanding how the body responds to dehydration treatments has grown. According to the recent formula released by UNICEF, ORS can and should consist of the following: sodium chloride, anhydrous glucose, potassium chloride, trisodium cit rate, and dehydrate. What is unique about each of these ingredients is the fact that they are readily available and of an extremely low cost in almost each and every nation or state that they might be utilized within. This represents an extreme advantage for such a treatment due to the fact that further application and support of such an endeavor will meant that UNICEF will be able to accomplish a great deal of good with limited investment. Such opportunities fit perfectly into the underlying goals and mission that UNICEF seeks to support. Although there are many world health issues that UNICEF integrates with and seeks to provide amelioration for, this particular issue is one that a relatively low investment could seek to fully cover (Walker et al, 2009). Furthermore, as a function of the low cost of treatment that this remediation represents, there will be few supply and demand issues that will impact negatively on the overall availability or cost. This is not to say that swings i n the global pharmaceutical market will not affect ORS and its application; however, it is safe to assume that as a function of the simplicity of the formula which has been elaborated upon that any demand or supply swings will have a minimal affect on the pricing structure that will be realized within the market (About the Commission, 2011). An Overview of the Commodity Market Furthermore, as has been briefly elaborated upon

Irish and Early American differences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Irish and Early American differences - Essay Example Ireland again was called Ireland in 1922. English colonization of America started in 1607 and soon these were established throughout the Americas. English American colonies got enmity with Spanish American colonies in the fields of military and economy. Different sorts of colonies were established like charter, proprietary and royal colonies. These colonies were granted independence in 20th century after the American war of independence (Burke 56). Colonization of America was based on certain motives. There were economic, religious and political motives. English colonization of Ireland and then of America were two different experiences in terms of nature and type of people, land and religion. Greater emphasis on these aspects will be laid in following paragraphs. England sent its forces in 684 C.E to carryout raids on Ireland for booty and captives (Kenny 47). English colonization had an aim of supremacy over the complete island. It was very difficult for English rulers to keep contr ol over the entire Ireland. Edward Bruce of Scotland invaded Ireland in 13th century with the help of Gaelic lords against English lords but he could not succeed. This war resulted in devastation of human and animal life on the island. Irish lords regained control over their lost land ultimately (Burke 79). After the war, plague arrived in Ireland in 1348. English people suffered heavily as they were living in the villages and towns of Ireland. Gaelic culture and language again prevailed in the region after the disaster of plague. Therefore, English control got limited up to pale. Adoption of Irish language and customs by Hiberno- Norman lords helped in strengthening Irish hold over the land (Canny 580). After the plague, Norman lords always supported the local Irish people in political, economical and military conflicts with England. English lords faced many difficulties in holding the land and making Irish people captives for slavery. Henry VIII decided to conquer Ireland in 15th century. Kildare was the most famous Irish ruler in 15th century who was open in rebellion activities against the England (Kenny 55). Henry wanted to capture Ireland with a view to minimize the chances of any future rebellion activities and for avoiding any external aggression in future. After the hard and bloody conflicts Henry got control over the Ireland and by the end of 15th century, successfully made it a kingdom. English lords always faced hard time whenever they decided to convert catholic Irish to protestant religion. Brutal and difficult methods were adopted by King Henry but he could not succeed in converting the religion of Irish people. This policy of the king increased hatred in the Irish people against the English rule. Two periods of civil war in Ireland caused huge destruction to Irish catholic land owning class. Catholic followers of Irish land took a major rebel against English rule and killed thousands of Protestants. Crownwell re-conquered Ireland in 1649. This was the bloodiest conflict of Irish history. Land was confiscated from Irish Catholics and was handed over to British settlers. (Kenny 78-79) Irish hatred against English rule increased due to economic situation of the Ireland in 18th century. Agricultural products were being exported and domestic consumption such items were not allowed. Cold and dry spell of 1940 killed about 4 million people due to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Decision Making - Assignment Example Basically, reduced taxes on organizations are best for fresh firms. Low taxes would mean that new firms battling to the mainstream can retain most of their profits. Likewise, spending by the government assists fresh firms. The government is able to give out revenue by redistributing it to those new organizations through subsidized loan, grants, or other forms of spending which are driven towards new or small firms. The government may as well spend more funds to form a partnership with a fresh company. Such happens within the local and state government level. For instance, a Supermarket research organization may be awarded federal or state loans and grants in order to start up new stories of supermarket (Lewis 56). Normally there are usually disagreements over the monetary and fiscal policy. Some individuals and organizations assert that the government must redistribute funds from income taxes simply because people will gain in the long run from more establishments of supermarket stor es. Some are also arguing that the government ought to redistribute funds from business since these firms are already making lots of profits and it is very essential to have alternative stores departments. From a different perspective, many are not of the idea that the government must be involved. The reasoning is that if establishing a supermarket store is a good business idea, the funds from the government would not be in any need. The sole reason why these funds are required is because the business not efficient enough to maintain itself. So it is like the government is promoting unsuccessful firms while punishing those which have become successful. This is seen as an unsustainable cycle given that the performing organizations struggle as the worst performing ones acquire more funds. Eventually, the best performing firms will die off, only leaving unsustainable firms which would otherwise die off if it were not for this government (Alvarez 39). P2.3: Impact of APPLE company compe tition policy Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation in America. The company has a strong brand name which makes it to be considered as one of the most successful companies in the world that deals with electronics. According to Porter E. Michael, there are 5 main forces of competition in the computer industry. The following are some of the competitive forces for the Apple Company; the bargaining power of the suppliers, the bargaining power of the consumers, the intensity of the existing rivalry among its competing firms, threat of substitutes, and the threat of new competitors. The 2 most important competition forces for Apple Company include; the bargaining power of the suppliers, and the bargaining power of the consumers. The bargaining power of the suppliers is the ability of the Apple firm to negotiate some good terms which is largely influenced by the firms that it relies on. Apple is known to have good bargaining power among its suppliers since they are in a position to out source most of their manufacturing. They are also having the capacity to vertically integrate by producing some supplies on their own. This has allowed them to

Answer these two question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer these two question - Assignment Example When contrasted with expenses such as business space rent, operating an online shop can be more affordable. This assists small business vendors having no sufficient capital to rent prime space or hire employees to set up as well as operate business (Akhter,2009). Reach: having an online store enables one to do business worldwide provided s/he can communicate via email, as opposed to traditional commerce where one only deals with people who come to the physical store. This also facilitates other ways of marketing that can only be done online, which increases sales and customers (Akhter,2009). Return rates: In a conventional shop, the client purchases goods in person, in the process getting the opportunity to check the items, touch and try them effectively reducing the complaints and returned items. On the other hand, online shopping is characterized by high returns, because many clients order and try goods at home, they will return them if they do not meet their expectations (Akhter,2009). Over the years, the phrase â€Å"electronic commerce† has been changing. Initially,† electronic commerce† referred to the electronic facilitation of commercial transactions by use of technology such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) that was introduced in 1970s.The EDI facilitated electronic sending of commercial documents such as invoices and purchase orders. The second major development involved the activities more accurately referred to as â€Å"Web commerce†-which is the buying of services and goods over the World Wide Web through secure servers such as HTTPS which is a unique server protocol capable of encrypting confidential ordering data to protect customers (Akhter,2009). Whereas the Internet, in 1994, started to progress in popularity amongst the general public, it took around 4 years to come up with security protocols such as DSL and HTTP which facilitated quick access in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Decision Making - Assignment Example Basically, reduced taxes on organizations are best for fresh firms. Low taxes would mean that new firms battling to the mainstream can retain most of their profits. Likewise, spending by the government assists fresh firms. The government is able to give out revenue by redistributing it to those new organizations through subsidized loan, grants, or other forms of spending which are driven towards new or small firms. The government may as well spend more funds to form a partnership with a fresh company. Such happens within the local and state government level. For instance, a Supermarket research organization may be awarded federal or state loans and grants in order to start up new stories of supermarket (Lewis 56). Normally there are usually disagreements over the monetary and fiscal policy. Some individuals and organizations assert that the government must redistribute funds from income taxes simply because people will gain in the long run from more establishments of supermarket stor es. Some are also arguing that the government ought to redistribute funds from business since these firms are already making lots of profits and it is very essential to have alternative stores departments. From a different perspective, many are not of the idea that the government must be involved. The reasoning is that if establishing a supermarket store is a good business idea, the funds from the government would not be in any need. The sole reason why these funds are required is because the business not efficient enough to maintain itself. So it is like the government is promoting unsuccessful firms while punishing those which have become successful. This is seen as an unsustainable cycle given that the performing organizations struggle as the worst performing ones acquire more funds. Eventually, the best performing firms will die off, only leaving unsustainable firms which would otherwise die off if it were not for this government (Alvarez 39). P2.3: Impact of APPLE company compe tition policy Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation in America. The company has a strong brand name which makes it to be considered as one of the most successful companies in the world that deals with electronics. According to Porter E. Michael, there are 5 main forces of competition in the computer industry. The following are some of the competitive forces for the Apple Company; the bargaining power of the suppliers, the bargaining power of the consumers, the intensity of the existing rivalry among its competing firms, threat of substitutes, and the threat of new competitors. The 2 most important competition forces for Apple Company include; the bargaining power of the suppliers, and the bargaining power of the consumers. The bargaining power of the suppliers is the ability of the Apple firm to negotiate some good terms which is largely influenced by the firms that it relies on. Apple is known to have good bargaining power among its suppliers since they are in a position to out source most of their manufacturing. They are also having the capacity to vertically integrate by producing some supplies on their own. This has allowed them to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Consumerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Consumerism - Essay Example Because of increased intensive production of numerous, this heightened living standards of the English as well as other people belong from the same caste. People enjoyed the experience of acquiring material possessions, which where once prized for their durability over fashionability. This also led to the emergency of more sophisticated designers majoring in trendy products (Mackendrick, Brewer & Plumb 2). Based on my opinion, I think current US designers’ ideas are highly valued in production of new items in the market aimed at satisfying the consumer. For instance, the newly graduates from universities and colleges who have studied fashion designs courses (Mackendrick, Brewer & Plumb 5). Inventing more advanced manufacturing industries, to cater for increased customer’s demands world wide such as textile industries. In addition, a manufacturer notifies customers online, in the newspapers, magazines or social media about new products in the market through internet, local and international newspapers. Issuing of trade cards to individual clients, so buying and selling be more advanced by giving out special printed cards to customers like business cards (Mackendrick, Brewer & Plumb

Worlds environmental problems Essay Example for Free

Worlds environmental problems Essay Introduction Rational Based on the past experience in the area of environment and resource studies, the environmental problems such as the accumulation of heavy metals in water and sediment in the canal and river have been the major focus in the study area. The study shows that the major source of heavy metals that accumulate in water and sediment is industries. As a result, it motivates the researcher to choose the research topic about industrialization is responsible for the worlds environmental problems. This current research will certainly be useful for the researcher. It is because this research is closely related to the researchers future study, particularly in the area of environmental engineering. The analysis of research topic Industrialization and the worlds environmental problems are shown as the topic area of the research in the diagram. The research topic is focused on the relationship between industrialization and the worlds environmental problems. Therefore, there are two aspects in the topic which are industrialization and the worlds environmental problems. The purpose of this research is to take a position whether industrialization is responsible for the worlds environmental problems or not. Industrialization brings many problems to the worlds environment. As a result, it is definite to study the causes of worlds environmental problems which can be explained with three main aspects. These three main aspects are the aims of industrialization, the consequences of industrialization and the governments policies about industrialization. Moreover, it is certain to study the effects of these three causes on the environment as have been shown in the diagram. Therefore, it can be proposed that industrialization is responsible for the worlds environmental problems. The diagram below shows the structure of the analysis of research topic. Industrialization is responsible for the worlds environmental problems Data collection The research method The research covers four steps shown as following. Firstly, the research topic that industrialization is responsible for the worlds environmental problems is analyzed in order to find out the probable areas that the research should concentrate on and the information which should be presented. Secondly, the definition of key concept is given. It is that industrialization can be defined as using developed technology in order to change a process of production from small-scale to mass production. After that, based on the definition, research evidence such as examples and statistical data are collected and analyzed in order to support the argument that industrialization is responsible for the worlds environmental problems. Finally, the information is organized into three main reasons of industrializations responsibilities to the worlds environment which are the aims of industrialization, the consequences of industrialization and the governments policies about industrialization. Annotated bibliography Alder, J., Cazamias, P. Monack, D. (1995). Benchmarks : The Ecological and Economic Trends that are shaping the natural environment and human societies. In R. Bailey (Ed.), The true state of the planet (pp. 394-453). New York: The Free Press. This chapter has been written for universitys student who studies in the area of environment. The major area is to present and analyze the data about ecological and economic trends such as world domestic product, total consumption of energy in the world level, water quality violations in United States, emission and atmospheric concentration trends for selected air pollutants in United States. The important information that has been mentioned is the total consumption of energy that is used in economic  sectors. Beder, S. (1996). A case study: The greenhouse effect. In S. Beder (Ed.), The nature of sustainable development (pp. 201-213). Newham: Scribe Publications. This chapter has been written for environmentalist and student who study in the environmental area. The major area is to present some information about the greenhouse effect such as the consequences of greenhouse effect, the responsibility for global warming, the responsibility for reducing greenhouse gases. The important information in this chapter is to tell about the main sources of greenhouse gases. Castillo, C.C. (1995). The sequencing of industrial policies in ASEAN nations. In T. Tullao JR., G.Largoza C. Castillo (Eds.), Issues in Philippine Economic Development (pp. 75-92). Manila: De La Salle University Press. This chapter has been written for students who are studying in social sciences. The major area is to reveal the governments policies of different country in Asia such as Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore. The government of each country tried to support industrialization in order to increase the economic growth. For example, Philippines government exempted manufacturing industries from all taxes such as exempting tariff of raw material. Eastop, T.D. Croft, D.R. (1990). The economic of energy-saving schemes. In T.D.Eastop D.R. Croft, Energy efficiency for engineers and technologiests (pp.6-26). Great Britain: The Bath Press. This chapter has been written for students who are studying in engineering or technology course. The major issue is to reveal how to decide to invest in energy-saving measures such as what the types of costs of energy usage are  and how to calculate the value of energy saving. The important information that has been mentioned is the price of fuel per unit energy. Martin, M. Allenby, G. (1993). Global Distribution of Manufacturing in the 1980s. In M. Martin G. Allenby, World: Environments and people (pp. 416-445). NSW: Southwood Press. This chapter has been written for the students who study in environmental program. The major area is to reveal how the distribution of manufacture in the world is. Moreover, the author also talks about why some developing nations have the success in establishing a manufacture. The important evidence that is presented in this chapter is talking about the ranks of the worlds exporters of manufactures in developing nations. Martin, M. Allenby, G. (1993). Non-renewable Forms of energy. In M.Martin G. Allenby, World: environments and people (pp. 71-89). NSW: Southwood Press. This chapter has been written for the students who study in environmental program. The major topic area is to reveal about the non-renewable forms of energy such as fossil fuels and nuclear power which is the newest energy sources. The important information that is presented in this chapter is the component of the coal such as carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, heavy metals, organic compounds and radioactive element. Mulhall, D. (1992). Environmental Management: The relationship between pressure groups and industry-A radical redesign. In D. Koechlin K. Mà ¼ller (Eds.), Green Business Opportunities (pp. 187-203). Great Britain: Biddles Ltd. This chapter has been written for environmentalist. The major issue is to reveal the reasons for the emergence of environmental groups and talk about the impact on peoples live. Moreover, the author also talks about cost of waste management technology and how the movements of environmental groups are. The important evidence that has been mentioned is German industries have to spend a lot of money to eliminate their waste that occurs from  production. New South Wales Department of Energy. (1998). Manufacturing sector energy projections for New South Wales to 2010. In New South Wales Department of Energy, Analysis of energy use in the New South Wales manufacturing sector (pp. 121-130). NSW: Author. This chapter has been written for executives of private organizations or the government in order to use this information to manage the energy use of industries in New South Wales. The major topic area is to present the energy consumption by industries and fuel types that are used by New South Wales manufacturing. The important evidence that has been mentioned is New South Wales manufacturing used coal to be the energy more than other kinds of energy. Sedjo, R.A. (1995). Forests: conflicting signals. In R. Bailey (Ed.), The true state of the planet (pp.178-209). New York: The Free Press. This chapter has been written for universitys student who studies in the area of environment. The major issue is to present the reasons that why the forests are destroyed. This chapter also presents the idea about how the forests can be protected and renewed such as setting protected area and plantations. The important evidence in this chapter is the current situation of global forests. Toal, B.A. (2001, October). Renewable: Future shock, Oil Gas Investor [online]. Available: Proquest 5000 Full-Text Database. [Accessed 2 December 2002] This journal article has been written for students who study in the area of environmental science and environmental engineering or any businessman who considers to environment. The major issue is to present that energy sources such as oil and gas are decreasing. Therefore, renewable resources should be used as the alternative of using energy. As a result, it is time to focus on developing renewable resources. The important examples in this journal  article are the research about photovoltaic devices (solar cells), biomass energy and wind turbines. Unite, A.A. (1995). Recent developments in foreign direct investments in the Philippines: Policy, Trends, and Issues. In T. Tullao JR., G. Largoza C. Castillo (Eds.), Issues in Philippine Economic Development (pp.97-136). Manila: De La Salle University Press. This chapter has been written for students who study in the area of social sciences. The major issue is to present about the foreign investment policies in Philippines and give the growth rates in foreign direct investment. Moreover, this chapter also gives the information about the issues of the foreign investment in Philippines such as the change of the foreign investment policies. The important evidence that has been mentioned is the policy that the Philippines government uses to encourage foreigners to invest in Philippines. Critical Review The two sources by Martin Allenby and Toal focus on the topic area of energy resources which are classified as renewable and non-renewable resources. Moreover, the authors relate the amount of resources to the using of resources in order to make people have the awareness about the limit and decreasing of non-renewable resources. The authors also emphasize people to use renewable resources as alternative energy sources. It is believed that these two sources clearly present about the situation of using natural energy resources and show that it is time to do the researches in order to develop the quality and cost of using renewable energy sources. In the articles written by Martin Allenby and Toal, they both reveal that non-renewable resources are decreasing; as a result, people should focus on using renewable resources as the energy instead of using non-renewable resources. However, in the article by Martin and Allenby, the authors emphasize on presenting the information about non-renewable forms of energy that are finite resources (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.71). The authors report  that the most important sources of energy in the world today particularly in the industrial countries are the fossil fuels ( Martin Allenby, 1993, p.71). For example, oil provides 40 percent of the worlds primary energy consumption (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.79). However, oil is not a plentiful resource. It is estimated that oil reserves are around 2000 billion barrels but only haft of oil reserves has been found and 400 billion barrels have been used (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.79). There are around 650 billion barrels that have been left in prov ed reserves (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.79). Another example which is mentioned in this article is natural gas. The authors report that the using of natural gas is increasing because it is clean, cheap and easy to handle (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.82). However, natural gas is not renewable and it has a limited supply (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.84). Moreover, the authors mention to coal that although coal is non-renewable resources (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.88) and burning coal create the pollution (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.87), it is used in many kinds of industries and the major use of coal is in electricity generation (Martin Allenvy, 1993, p.87). The authors conclude that people are aware that the fossil fuels are finite and non-renewable; therefore, they have become to look at renewable resources as alternative energy sources (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.89). On the other hand, in article written by Toal, the author focuses on showing the researches that have been done in order to develop renewable energy and energy efficient technologies. The author reports that 70 percent of research work that has been done by The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is about the supply-side energy technologies of photovoltaics, biomass and wind (Toal, 2001, p.2). According to Kazmerski, director of NRELs national center for photovoltaics at Golden (cited in Toal, 2001, p.2), after many researches about photovoltaic devices or solar cells have been done, photovoltaic devices or solar cells are cheaper and more efficiency than the pass. Moreover, Bull, associate director of science and technology for all of NREL, reports that NREL is doing the research about biomass energy (Bull, cited in Toal, 2001, p.3). It is believed that the cost of biomass will be cheaper in the future and biomass energy will be produced more than now (Bull, cited in Toal, 2001, p.4). Further more, Thresher, director of NRELs national wind technology center, presents that the problem in the past to produce electricity by  using wind is the cost of production was too expensive (cited in Toal, 2001, p.4). However, since wind turbines have been developed, the wind machines have become bigger, more efficient and cheaper (Thresher, cited in Toal, 2001, pp.4-5). The issues discussed in the sources have been considered as an important issue because decreasing and exhausting of non-renewable resources are going to be serious problem. It is showed that non-renewable resources such as oil, natural gas and coal are decreasing. They will be exhausted in the future if people still use much these kinds of energy. Therefore, these non-renewable resources should be conserved and people should use renewable resources such as solar energy and wind instead. Historically, non-renewable resources are the most important energy sources in the world. Currently, non-renewable resources are shrinking and renewable resources have been considered as the alternative. As a result, many researches have been done in order to develop the quality of renewable resources and reduce cost of them. In Martin and Allenby article, it shows that fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal have been used by many kinds of industries even though they are finite and non-renewable (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.76-88). However, Toal reports that there is the organization in America which has been established in order to develop renewable energy such as photovoltaic devices (solar cells), biomass and wind (Toal, 2001, p.2). These two articles show that the authors have the consideration about the decreasing of non-renewable resources by trying to encourage people to use renewable resources instead non-renewable resources. It can be seen that using non-renewable resources will make these resources exhaust because non-renewable resources are finite. As a result, it is very important that people should focus on using renewable resources. It is clearly distinguished whether each author of these two articles is objective or not. The article written by Martin and Allenby is objective because the authors present the issue by referring to the international situations. Moreover, the authors use the statistic data to support their research such as distribution of the worlds known oil reserves by region (1984) (Department of International Economic and Social Affair, 1987, cited  in Martin Allenby, 1993, p.86). The article written by Toal is subjective because the author emphasizes on doing the researches about renewable forms of energy in order to use them instead of using non-renewable energy sources by The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Even though the author refers to the other experts opinions, all of these experts are the people who work for NREL. For example, according to Bull, associate director of science and technology for all of NREL (cited in Toal, 2001, p.4), cost of biomass will cheaper in the future and biomass energy will be produced more than now. It can be seen that the article written by Martin and Allenby is objective, whereas the article written by Toal is subjective. However, the examples or evidence in these two articles are clearly presented because the authors present the data by using graphs and tables that are easy to understand. Although the examples or evidence that are used in these two sources are not current, they still can be used because some of them are general knowledge. On the other hand, some of statistical data can be used as the direction of change for the future. For example, non-renewable resources are finite; therefore, the amount of them can not increase. In contrast, they are decreasing because non-renewable resources have been used as the major source of energy. Therefore, it can prove that non-renewable resources are decreasing and it is time to develop renewable resources to use as the alternative of energy sources. Even though one article is objective, whereas another is subjective, these two articles are clearly presented about the situation of using natural resources to be energy. In both articles, the authors present the data clearly because all data are presented directly to support the authors argument by using tables, graphs, maps and quotations. For example, the article written by Martin and Allenby explains how each type of non-renewable energy sources such as oil, natural gas and coal formed (Martin Allemby, 1993, pp.71-88). In this part, the authors use the maps to show the areas that these non-renewable energy sources formed in order to make clear understanding about the areas that these energy resources formed (Martin Allemby, 1993, pp.71-88). Further more, the authors also present about the amount of each kind of non-renewable resources in order to support their argument that energy resources which are mostly used are finite by using tables (Martin   Allenby, 1993, pp.71-88). \The article written by Toal mentions the results of researches that have been done by The National Renewable Energy Laboratory such as the research about photovoltaic devices, biomass energy and wind turbines by using quotations and graph (Toal, 2001, pp.1-5). The evidence that Toal uses can show the possibility of using renewable energy sources. Thus, the evidence can support his argument that it is time to focus on developing renewable energy resources to use as the alternative of energy sources instead of non-renewable resources which are decreasing. Therefore, it can be said that these authors interpret data clearly in order to confirm their argument. Both articles are general study because the authors only want to explain some important points about energy source. Therefore, the authors conduct research in order to confirm their argument. However, in the article written by Martin and Allenby, the authors have conducted enough research because the authors use the statistical data to support each area that they mention. Even though all of statistical data that authors use are selected from one source, these data come from the exploration by using scientific method. As a result, these statistical data have the accuracy and they can be considered as the fact. Further more, the authors use these statistical data that mention to the international situation to support their argument. For example, the authors use the statistical data that show the distribution of the worlds known oil reserves when they explain that oil is finite (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.77). On the other hand, in the article written by Toal, the author has not conducted enough research because all of data and other experts opinions are selected from one source. Moreover, all of them only describe the situation of developing renewable resources in America. For example, the author refers to the cost and the efficiency of photovoltaic devises that they are cheaper and more efficiency than the past because of doing the research by NREL (Kazmerski, cited in Toal, 2001, p.3). It can be seen that Martin and Allenby have done enough research, whereas Toal has not done enough research. Therefore, it can be said that Martin and Allenby conduct their research more thoroughly in order to confirm their argument. Among the two sources which are reviewed, it can be clearly seen that the  article written by Martin and Allenby has practical suggestion because it is possible to use renewable resources as the energy. Currently, the cost of renewable resources is the limitation of using renewable resources to be the energy sources. However, it would be possible to decrease the cost. The authors suggest that the research in the area of changing the cost of renewable energy should be done in order to tend people to use renewable resources as the energy sources (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.89). It is because the renewable energy such as sun and winds are infinite (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.89). Further more, many renewable resources are the clean energy. Therefore, it will be benefit for the environment if people use renewable resources (Martin Allenby, 1993, p.89). On the other hand, in the article written by Toal, the author does not make any suggestion. However, it is not necessary to make any suggestion because the author only wants to present the important point which is about possibility of using renewable resources to be the alternative of energy sources. Further more the author only wants to emphasize that it is time to focus on doing research to develop renewable energy resources. Therefore, it can be strongly said that Martin and Allenby have made practical suggestion in their article because renewable resources can be used as energy sources, whereas in article of Toal, it is not necessary to make any suggestion. Among these two sources, in the article written by Martin and Allenby, the authors have not used other experts opinions to support in their article. It is because their article presents the general knowledge that has been proven by many researchers by using scientific method. For example, the authors refer to how non-renewable resources formed and the amount of each kind of non-renewable resource (Martin Allenby, 1993, pp.71-88). In contrast, the article written by Toal is well supported by other experts opinions through using the quotation of other experts opinions. Toal refers to the situations of using renewable energy sources such as cost and quality that has been researched by NREL (Toal, 2001, pp.2-5). For example, according to Kazmerski (cited in Toal, 2001, pp.2-3), Some 35 years ago, when I started in photovoltaics, these devices were used almost exclusively for satellites. A solar cell would cost about $300 to $600 per watt. Today, a solar-cell module such as you would put on your roof-costs $3 to $6 per  watt. And in the future, with the use of thin-film PV technology, we could see that cost drop by half. In addition, the efficiency of commercial solar cells- their ability to convert sunlight into electricity- has risen from 7% to about 15% to18%. Not only Kazmerrskis opinion, but also Bulls and Threshers opinion that Toal uses to support in his article by using quotation. It can be seen that quotations clearly support Toals argument about the possibility of using renewable resources to be alternative of energy sources. Therefore, it is certain for the method of quotation to support authors argument stronger through using other experts opinion. In conclusion, the review shows that energy resources such as natural gas, oil and coal are non-renewable resources and they have the limited supply. As a result, people should use renewable resources as the energy instead. In this review, two articles have been discussed in different six aspects. There are the historical and current significance, the objectivity of the writers, the interpretation of data, the thoroughness of treatment, the practicality of suggestion and other experts opinions. The authors of each article present their argument in different way. However, the authors of both articles use the examples, evidences or other experts opinions to support their arguments and present them clearly. More over, Martin and Allenby make their suggestion practically in their article. However, these two articles will be more effective than present if the authors use current data or current evidences and select data or evidences from various sources. The Analysis of the research The research is limited by three factors. These three factors are the types of information, the research focus and the time limitation. The first limitation is the types of information. The information used in the research is all secondary information such as the research results by Beder in the field of sources of greenhouse gases, the research results about the cost of investment in environmental protection by Mulhall. The information is conducted in order to support the argument. However, the information has not been examined closely whether it has exactly happened or not. The research focus is the second factor that limits the research. It is because this  research focuses only on the current situation such as the consumption of energy in order to use the energy in economic sectors such as industry and agriculture by Adler, Cazamias and Monack. This research does not cover any environmental situation before industrial revolution and during the beginning of industrialization. The final limitation in this research is the limitation of time. The research has to be finished with in limited time. Therefore, time is an important factor that enables the researcher to do in particular area. Many areas such as governments policies about environmental protection and reasons why governments policies about environmental protection can not control the environmental problems are not included in the research. In summary, these possible factors from the above are the factors that limit this research. Suggestions for future research As the research is limited by three certain factors, all suggestions are presented to overcome these limitations for the future research. The first suggestion is primary sources should be used in order to support the argument such as a survey about the cost of investment in environmental protection and monitoring sources of greenhouse gases. It is because using primary sources can tell about what has actually happened. For limitation of the research focus, the further research should be focused on other areas such as environmental situation before industrial revolution and during the beginning of industrialization. Moreover, the future situation about environment should be predicted. It is because the comparison of environmental situation in each period of time can show how serious environmental problems have been expanded. Therefore, the research area becomes deeper in terms of the relationship between industrialization and environmental problems. Finally, the suggestion on limitation of time is the future research should mainly focus on the past situation of environment, governments policies about environmental protection and reasons why policies about environmental protection can not control environmental problems. All of these suggestions will overcome three possible limitations and produce the deeper and more accurate research in the future.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Causes Of Traffic Congestion In Cairo Egypt Tourism Essay

Causes Of Traffic Congestion In Cairo Egypt Tourism Essay Even though, Cairo is considered as a largest city in Africa, it also expected that the traffic will be major issue to deal with. There are at least 18 million people live in Cairo in addition of 3500 newborns added to this number each day. Logically its not all 18 million people have car but the nature of streets are clogged because of the traffic (stop- go). Its difficult to discern any particular rules of the road because there are many streets are one way not always this rule is working. Its known that red light mean stop or slowdown and green light walk light mean its safe to cross the road, but its not necessarily to believe in that, the drivers are increasing the speed to get through red traffic light with horns blaring to stop anyone who might consider getting in their way. Sometimes they are driving over the pavements; the only thing that forces the driver to stop is no possible way to squeeze around. Even though Egypt have a despite schemes of modernization in many parts of Cairo, donkey-carts are still a prominent feature in many streets and they manage their way through traffic with their own system but what an incredible thing is many cars do the same, in addition they use the lane of oncoming traffic when their own lane are full. Traffic in Cairo is absolutely chaotic. If you are ever tempted to drive in Egypt, take a rest until you get over it, said Mohamed Abdel-Hamid, manager of an international bank in Egypt, who suffers the daily commute from Heliopolis to 6th of October City and have a real vision about the traffic jam and the accident that occur every five minutes, which make us believe that even the chaos has its own rules. As Abdel-Hamid said: lane markers on the road are merely suggestions, and traffic signals are only an opinion, we can notice that the driver is driving like madmen, he is free to drive down the middle between two lanes of traffic, honking his horn expecting from the cars parallel to his on each side to make a room if possible. This is not considered rude or in any way out of the place, Abdel-Hamid says with irony. Traffic was not that bad few years ago. Nobody respects traffic regulations now; everybody simply goes his own way. It takes hours and hours to go anywhere. Streets are blocked all the time, day and night, especially on 6th of October Bridge -it is crazy to drive on the bridge nowadays, added Abdel-Hamid. More than 7000 people per year have been killed and wound nearly 35,000 causes of road fatalities as experts mentioned, so will we reach to limit the number of vehicles. Its obviously now that Cairo is crumbling under the twin pressure of traffic and population. According to Mohamed Mursi Mansour, director of Public Traffic Authority of Giza Governorate, new initiatives to address the traffic congestion in Egypt and the issues surrounding road safety are now active in General Authority for Roads and Bridges. Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent on upgrading the safety and efficiency of the existing infrastructure in the short term, while mid- and long-term goals focus on increasing the width of roads, said Mansour. With refer to World Bank estimation of an urbanization level of 70% by year 2020. The most issues that are facing Egypt in urban transport are congestion, high reliance on road transport and traffic safety. Cairo experience show that the average speeds of traffic is less than 10 Km/hr. which keep in falling down with the increasing in the number of cars. As mentioned in World Bank report, dependence on public transportation is less than 65%. Abdel-Rahman sherif, head of South-Central Cairo Administration for General Transport, believes that the right solution is to develop an efficient public transportation system, such as the underground metro, also encourage people to use it, to reduce the number of private vehicles. A committee of traffic specialist and engineers should be formed to study the problem and draft a comprehensive master plan. I believe that Cairo is in dire need of better planning if traffic is to be streamlined, states sherif. Lets take a Dukki region as case in point, which was originally planned as a neighborhood of villas and boulevards. Owners of most villas in the district randomly expanded into more profitable high-rise apartment blocks. The streets and sewage system, however, could not cope with the resultant increase in the number of inhabitants, especially since few of these apartment buildings included garages. Planners, Sherif adds, had to expand the streets at the expense of pedestrian pavements a big mistake, in his opinion. Expanding streets and adding more fly-overs and tunnels is not always the solution to traffic congestion, Sherif argues. Rather, these measures encourage the influx of more vehicles into already congested areas. Nowadays, traffic in Cairo should be seen to be believed. Its more than like elemental force than a movement of cars. Absolutely there is many several forces contributed to traffic jam, these factor should be taken seriously and diagnosed before solution will be out of control. With refer to Atef Abdel-Ghani Fayad, whose working as general director of roads, he mentioned to the factors which might be considered as causes of traffic congestion: the population explosion, high frequency of daily trips by motorists, and urban and economic development. He also explained the need of efficient public transportation system and more qualified network of road and rails ways. Thats because the motorists make three trips daily in Greater Cairo as an average, with addition of population growth rate, its high at 2.4%: this means that we have an increase of nearly one million people every year. Its useless to lunch a project without studying the consequences adequately, like building bridges at Lebanon square in AL-Mohandissin, also Fayad was talking about this issue and he said: This area was originally planned for residential purposes, but now it is main cause of traffic congestion. The solutions we asked for should not be traditional, according to Fayad; we should study every small particular thing and take it seriously before we do it, also we have to get a drawing plan to study the network road, also we need to study the number and directions of daily trips made by motorists and commuters, after that we can tell and build the number of car parks needed. By increasing people awareness of traffic regulation and urging them to use public transportation are necessary, through efficient public transportation, and road maintenance. As mentioned by Director-General of Transportation at Ministry of Interior, Essameddin Asfour, there is a comprehensive plan on the table as to how to streamline traffic. people must be patient; when the completion of construction work of the bridge located in Lebanon Square as well as Al-Remayah Square comes to an end, this will alleviate much of pressure, as Asfour said. Asfour added: the ministry has also formed a committee of senior policemen whose task is to keep the congestion traffic areas clean, this problem is not only hard sometimes to solve by ministry but it also hard sometimes to be solved by experts and specialists in addition this case of problem is not the responsibility of Ministry of Interior alone, because the solutions can also be found by using information and communication technologies (ICTs). To the unexpected of many that technological solutions and applications can definitely put an end for this problem through a good use of database and instant information. Specialists and those are responsible about this problem should work together to find an outline for the path down which ICTs and transport can productively merge, adds asfour. Mohamed Abdel-Atti, an eminent transport expert, explains how ICTs will give a big help in traffic monitoring, especially monitoring traffic jams, like building up a powerful database capable of predicting bottlenecks and accident before they happen. Abdel atti explains that brining foreign technologies into Egypt market is not always good, so we should make our best out of them and adapting them to local needs and conditions. On the other side we should find a dire solution to secure the passage of pedestrians. The city streets are not organized; its difficult to cross the street. Its normal to cross one lane when thats all you can cross, then stand in the middle of torrent of whizzing cars waiting for the next opening. Death is inevitable, says Fayad sarcastically. The engineers and the worker on the site are always focus on traffic problems without taking in calculation that people and not cars are making the city as it is, also pedestrians go nearly always unconsidered. Fayad adds: cars are moving over pavements, which are no longer safe, and pedestrians have been forced into the center of the street, since becoming the main victims of traffic problems. To insure the safety to pedestrians passage, it was announced lately that there exists plan to build pedestrian tunnel all over Cairo, equipped with escalators. The first action is expected to start building the pedestrian tunnel in front of Cairo University in Giza. An equivalent tunnel already exists below Salah Salem Street in front of the Cairo Trade Fair grounds. Two other tunnels will be built in the areas of Abbasiya and Fustat, says Fayad. Officials wishes that after developing an efficient public transportation system, traffic will be streamlined and pedestrians will be able to walk and cross streets safely, Fayad added. Prime minister, Dr. Ahmed Nazif, has checked how is going the first project of public transportation in Greater Cairo which aims to include 200 buses as a first step. This project aims to release around 1100 buses through the three coming years, starting from this year also there will be 300 buses added to the 200 before the end of this year. The plan of this project is to provide 300 buses annually over the coming two years. The project also includes plans to develop the human resources for the workers and employees in Cairo Transportation Authority (CTA), as well as setting training program for administrative employees and drivers. Prime minister, Dr. Ahmed Nazif after he checked the first action of the project confirmed that Cairo is one of the biggest and largest city in the world with high population that normally cause a traffic congestion; however the government still fighting against the twin pressure which coming from traffic jam and high population. The government has decided to solve and work on this problem on two phases. Reduce the population through build new cities and improving squatters. There is a project exists and its aim is to get rid of kiosks to be implemented by the squatters development fund, Dr. Ahmed Nazif mentioned. The second phase with help of Cairo Transportation Authority (CTA)  Ã…   development and improvement is aiming to solve citizen daily surfing in Cairo traffic congestion, also encourage the people to use a public transportation instead of their own private cars. Dr. Ahmed Nazif keep the doors open for the private companies to participate in the mentioned project by including 1500 new air-conditioned buses by coming period, something which might encourage private cars owners to use special buses instead of their owns. Cairo is designed to home around 4 million drivers, but according to recent statistics confirmed that Cairo home 17 million at least, which obviously this huge difference will cause what called congestion and high population. According to this most Egyptians are waking-up on the noise of not duke but noise of horns, also they have the same routine at every morning at 8 am, the rushing torrent of buses, and once again at 5pm, passengers are getting in and out of the NON-STOP public transports while it keep in motion. In September 2008, the government takes an action against the new arrivals of new 120,000 vehicles to the Greater Cairo Streets, which was as mentioned by Abdel Azim Wazir, Cairo Governor: the Government has locate a space area outside the heart of the capital of Egypt, and the Government offices and ministries will be removed and rebuild it there, also it will stop build any more schools, universities or even government offices inside Cairo. After taking many opinions and comments also a recommendations from many responsible men and authorities, most of them are getting head-ace and confusing from this problem. But as view as traffic experts, they have another point view which is about the driving habits specially from what it calls microbus, most of Egyptians are using these kind of transportation with ignoring how bad the driver while he is driving holding horn all over the rout causing noise pollution and its not only this ,but also he doesnt respect the rules of the traffic even the respect of humidity. Microbus drivers are not wages by hours, but they wages by the number of daily trips the can do. So, they are throwing themselves in troubles with policemen also with most dangerous accident, that causes a high traffic congestions, also it need more than three hours to be solved. Because the government are not mentioned to the new traffic laws, thats why the drivers are keep ignoring the traffic signs, as Rehab Mahmou d said, a freelance business trainer.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Themes in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay -- Young Goodman B

The Themes in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† the reader finds several themes. These will be discussed in this essay.    Morse Peckham in â€Å"The Development of Hawthorne’s Romanticism† explains what he interprets Hawthorne’s main theme to be:    Once the self has been redeemed from society it can be explored in its own terms, and for this purpose Hawthorne developed his peculiar use of emblematic allegory. . . . This technique, though Hawthorne’s is different from that of European writers, creates analogies between self and not-self, between personality and the worlds. . . .Henceforth Hawthorne’s theme is the redemption of the self through the acceptance and exploitation of what society terms the guilt of the individual but which to the Romantic is society’s guilt (92).    The interplay between the guilt of the individual, Goodman, and society’s guilt, underlies all of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† from beginning to end.    In reading Hawthorne’s tales, Herman Melville in â€Å"Hawthorne and His Mosses† (in Literary World, August 17, 24, 1850) makes discoveries relevant to the themes:    Where Hawthorne is known, he seems to be deemed a pleasant writer, with a pleasant style,--a sequestered, harmless man, from whom any deep and weighty thing would hardly be anticipated:--a man who means no meanings. But there is no man, in whom humor and love, like mountain peaks, soar to such a rapt height, as to receive the irradiations of the upper skies;--there is no man in whom humor and love are developed in that high form called genius; no such man can exist without also possessing, as the indispensable complement of these, a great, deep intellect, which drops down... ...â€Å"The Return into Time: Hawthorne.† In Hawthorne – A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by A.N. Kaul. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.    Martin, Terence â€Å"Six Tales.† In Nathaniel Hawthorne. New York: Twayne Publishers Inc., 1965.    Melville, Herman. â€Å"Hawthorne and His Mosses,† The Literary World August 17, 24, 1850.    Peckham, Morse. â€Å"The Development of Hawthorne’s Romanticism.† In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.    Swisher, Clarice. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne: a Biography.† In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.    Wagenknecht, Edward. Nathaniel Hawthorne – The Man, His Tales and Romances. New York: Continuum Publishing Co., 1989.         

Friday, October 11, 2019

death penalty :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   DEATH PENALTY   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The death penalty is an ongoing controversy in the United States. There are people that are for it and those that oppose it. I am for it, but only for the horrendous crimes that are committed today in our society. In my personal opinion, I think priests that molest or â€Å"take advantage† of little boys deserve the death penalty. In today’s society, this is one of the most controversial debates whether capital punishment should be outlawed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Capital punishment has two basic arguments within the debate to make: First is the question of whether capital punishment is moral, or simply put is it justified. The second is the question of whether capital punishment is constitutional. According to the constitution, everyone has a right to freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are some disadvantages of capital punishment. Opponents have four basic arguments to make. The first is that there is a possibility of error, meaning that the person accused is not the real criminal. Although there is a slight chance of error, this is separate from the issue of the death penalty being justified. They would say that capital punishment should not be used when one is not one-hundred percent positive of the criminal’s guilt. Second argument they make is the execution process. One may be given â€Å"the chair,† lethal injection or gas. Third argument is a debate with the supporters that capital punishment may lower crime rates, but no studies show that it has any affect with capital punishment. Last argument an opponent would make is the time spent on death row.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a problem with the death penalty. It is high-priced because a prisoner can be sent to death row, but he or she can have an appeal, awaiting a retrial due to new evidence, all which can be a slow, costly and lengthy process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A prisoner convicted of a horrendous crime can get parole, which is unjust to the victim and/or the victim’s family. What makes the parole board think the prisoner has been â€Å"rehabilitated?† I believe that if you have committed the crime, you should not get paroled. If the crime was murder, is fair for the victim’s family to see this person out on the streets again and see if he â€Å"strikes again?

Care Of Ald Patients Health And Social Care Essay

In this assignment, I shall choose a patient from my arrangement, this will be backed with a principle for my chosen patient. This will besides do reference of the importance epidemiological information, within this I will show an apprehension of the aetiology of common long term conditions. I will exemplify the nursing model used and physical, psychological and societal appraisal of my selected patient. In relation to the appraisal this will besides include the needed attention of patient being discussed. I have selected a patient from a South London Healthcare Trust. In order to keep confidentiality anonyms have been used to protect the patient ‘s individuality. The ( NMC ) emphasises that we as nurses, must esteem people ‘s rights to confidentiality CHECK ( 2008 ) . Mr B is 51-year-old adult male. He works as a bricklayer on a edifice site. He has two boies whom are aged 21and 25. He is separated from his married woman who is the biological female parent to his two boies, and now has a new spouse. His avocations are ; reading, socializing, and disbursement clip with his boies. Mr B is a really pleasant gentleman who enjoys his life, and makes the most out of it. Mr B admitted to gorging on intoxicant occasionaly. Mr B became dependent on intoxicant, and was diagnosed with alcoholic liver disease in 2006. After go toing many support groups, which helped him a great trade, he became clean and free of intoxicant dependence. Sadly, his Dendranthema grandifloruom lost her conflict to malignant neoplastic disease his Dendranthema grandifloruom. Intelligibly, Mr B found this difficult to cover with, and accordingly turned to alcohol as a header mechanism.EpidemiologyI feel that alcoholic liver disease ( ALD ) is going progressively common in acute infirmary scenes, this may be due to the immense addition in orgy imbibing. Harmonizing to ( NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries, intoxicant abuse in England is prevailing, 33 % of which are work forces, and 16 % of adult females, which may hold damaging affects to their wellness. ( EBP ) . I believe my chosen subject will assist both my hereafter practise and my ain apprehension of ( ALD ) . ( ALD ) is highly common in England. Approximately 90-100 % of people who drink the exceeded recommended bound have alcoholic fatty liver disease ( National Health Services Choices 2009 ) . These statistics single-handedly are highly high, which accordingly means that Mr B is immense hazard of roll uping ( ALD ) . It is known that every bit much 1 in 5 people who drink, will develop liver cirrhosis ( NHS Choices 2009 ) . Immediately this places Mr B at an unmeasurable hazard of roll uping liver cirrhosis, as he was chiefly admitted to hospital with inordinate ingestion of intoxicant. It has been found that work forces are more likely dice from liver disease, this may be because their intoxicant consumption is much greater than adult females. However, this demonstrates that Mr B ‘s hazard of mortality is going peculiarly refering. The mortality rate of alcoholic liver disease has risen by over two-thirds ( 69 % ) in the past 30 old ages, which makes intoxicant one of the most common cause of decease, together with high blood force per unit area, and smoke. This is a significantly high addition in the figure of deceases related to alcoholic liver disease. Subsequently, this contributes to many factors associating to Mr B ‘s alcoholic liver disease, it is evident that his mentality is highly hapless harmonizing to these statistics. Evidence has been found that there is a high prevalence in developing liver cirrhosis in people age 40 or over. Furthermore, as Mr B is over the age of 40, which indefinitely shows he is a high hazard of developing liver cirrhosis. As there is a high prevalence of grownups who consume intoxicant in ( U.K ) , every bit much 90 % ( REF ) . This entirely does non stand anybody in good position, allow entirely Mr B as he has a history of intoxicant abuse. There appears to be a immense spread in recognition of the day-to-day benchmark, and if people measure there alcohol units ( National Statistics 2006 ) . Mr B ‘s deficiency of instruction demonstrates that is unable to construe how much he is advised to imbibe, which may hold led to his inordinate imbibing. 1 in 16 people are admitted to hospital with intoxicant related unwellnesss ( ref2 ) It is known that greater intoxicant consumed, the higher hazard of unwellness, such as oesophageal malignant neoplastic disease, which increases significantly one time the intoxicant consumption exceeds more than 3 drinks per twenty-four hours ( NICE/Health Development Agency 2005 ) . Mr B ‘s old consumption of intoxicant indicates that may be a possible hazard to oesophageal malignant neoplastic disease. This presents a secondary hazard to him as he already has ( ALD ) .Q.1 AssessmentAny intervention and care given must be given with the patient ‘s ain demands and penchants should be taken into history. A patient with an acute unwellness should be made cognizant that they have the right to do informed determinations about the attention that receive, together with their health care professionals. However, if a patient does non hold the mental capacity to do determinations themselves ( Dep artment of Health 2001 ) . Nursing is to advance wellness, mending, growing and development, and to forestall disease, unwellness, hurt, and disablement. When a individual becomes sick or handicapped, nursing is guaranting that a individual ‘s hurt and agony is kept to a lower limit, and enable people to grok and to cover with their unwellness or disablement, its intervention and effects. When decease is foreseeable, the rule of nursing is to guarantee that the best quality of life is maintained until its terminal ( 2003 ) . An appraisal is a methodical, purposeful and synergistic procedure that strengthens every characteristic of nursing attention ( Heaven & A ; Maguire 1996 ) . This is where a both nurse and patient indentify the patient ‘s demands and anxiousnesss, whereby individualized attention is given. Roper-Logan-Tierney theoretical account specifically for nursing is widely used in pattern throughout the United Kingdom, it is besides used in many nursing schools, which demonstrates the relation between theory and pattern in nursing ( Roper et al 2000 ) . Although all 12 Activities of day-to-day life ( ADL ) are every bit of import when measuring a patient, I shall merely do reference of a few due to the limited sum of words. Mr B Obs Initially B ‘s external respiration was absolutely within normal scope. However, as his status deteriorated his external respiration was compromised. It was inevitable that he required O therapy, to assist help his external respiration. In order for his lungs to have sufficient sum of O ( o2 ) , it was of import he was sat vertical. His respiratory rate was 35 breaths per minute. The deepness was hapless, which was apparent due the fact of the attempt he used to take a breath in and out. Royal Marsden CHECK It is cardinal that patients observations are obtained on the initial appraisal or at the clip of their admittance, which will assist place any important alterations their observations. ( Nice 2007 ) . Elimination is another activity of day-to-day life, which I felt was compromised. Mr B had a urine catheter, to help him with go throughing piss, and so we could detect his end product closely. Fluid balance is critical when a patient is acutely ailing, it is of import that this is observed ( ref ) . Mr B was able to travel to the lavatory independently on admittance to infirmary. As he became acutely ailing, this became more of a battle, and he was unable to make this himself. I felt his self-respect was compromised due to his illness/condition deterioration. However, I managed to keep this to the best of my ability, esteeming his self-respect throughout my clip caring for him. The Nursing and Midwifery Council ( NMC ) emphasises that we as healthcare professional must handle people who we care for as persons and esteem their self-respect ( 2008 ) . This meant that he was unable to extinguish independently, which accordingly diminished his independency. In order for Mr B to recover his mobility, we had to chiefly handle his ( ALD ) , so he could so reconstruct this. Harmonizing to ( NMC ) It is critical that we support people in our attention, guaranting they care for themselves, in order to heighten and keep their wellness ( 2008 ) . I felt that Mr B ‘s mobility was another ( ADL ) which was doing a immense concern. As Mr B was in the acute stage of his ( ALD ) he became encephalopathy, which caused his mobility to diminish ( ref ) . His reduced mobility was holding a knock on consequence on his independency, doing him to go farther down and withdrawn. Mr B ‘s physical wellbeing was doing a immense concern. His hepatic brain disorder induced by the harm to his liver, which depleted his mobility. Hepatic brain disorder is a neuropsychiatric, whereby the liver has been harm due to inordinate imbibing. In hepatic encephalopathy ammonium hydroxide is non being converted into carbamide, which should usually be excreted by the kidneys, accordingly it so enters the systemic circulation ( Zimmaro & A ; Sawchuk, 2004 ) . Ref med n surg Consequently to Mr B holding alcoholic liver disease, he had oesophageal varices. This is whereby a composite of Byzantine venas at the inferior terminal of the gorge, are enlarged and swollen as a consequence of the portal high blood pressure. If left untreated Mr B may be capable to an oesophageal or stomachic variceal rupture, which may do hypovolemic daze ( ref ) . HB As Mr B has portal high blood pressure, this means he is a high hazard of a Gastrointestinal bleed ( GI Bleed ) . A ( GI ) bleed is where portal high blood pressure occurs when there is an obstructor in the intra- or extrahepatic circulation ( REF ) . Psychologically I feel that Mr B ‘s physical demands were been depleted due to his chronic condition/illness. On admittance to infirmary, Mr B was highly malnourished, dehydrated and presented with self-neglect, which was provoked by his overly imbibing. Harmonizing to Maslow ( 1943 ) , these are all basic physiological demands. Mr B had late lost his Dendranthema grandifloruom to malignant neoplastic disease, which led to imbibing intoxicant overly. He felt he ne'er grieved decently, or spoke to anyone about his loss. I feel that this was a important contributing factor to his backsliding. Ref bereaves ) . Prior to his mourning he had been clean and free of intoxicant. Attending a support groups for alkies, such as alcoholic anon. may hold prevented his backsliding * ( REF ) . Consequently, this may hold helped him to get by with the loss of his Dendranthema grandifloruom, and assist beef up his ability to get the better of his alcoholic dependence. Mr B feels that he is socially excluded from society as he has been unable to work due to his illness/condition. As a nurse, it is cardinal that I help in back uping him, so he feels included in society, which may be done so by reffering him to an occupational healer. ( OT ) consume Whilst measuring Mr B, he disclosed that when he was turning up his pa consumed intoxicant overly. He feels that this had a immense impact on him, act uponing him follow his pa behaviour. It is known that if a people have parents ‘ who misuses intoxicant, so they have greater hazard of following these traits ( ref ) . Preventive steps will assist ease Mr B in act uponing his kids from following his drinking civilization. Socio-economic background may hold immense deduction in the execution of the effects of inordinate ingestion of intoxicant. I feel that this may be a immense barrier for Mr B to hold on the constructs of the damaging effects of intoxicant abuse. As a health care it is critical that I simplify the possible long term wellness effects of inordinate intoxicant comsumption. ( Ref )Q3.Required attentionAt present, there is no national service model ( NSF ) for liver disease patients. The primary attention trusts view in liver patients, is that they are non a immense precedence. Specialists stressed that liver patients are being left out on National Health Service ( NHS ) financess, which means that they will be at greater hazard ( REFFFBBC ) . However, there is National Institute Clinical ( NICE ) Guidelines in topographic point in order to assist supply quality attention to those enduring with ( ALD ) . Shaw et al indentified an assessment tool for patients enduring with intoxicant backdown, which establishes the badness of their backdown, and what appropriate intervention is required ( 1981 ) . The assessment tool used is the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Withdrawal ( CIWA-A ) , which is scored Mild-20.4, Moderate 24.2, and Severe 29. In regard to the appraisal tool, Mr B had a assortment of the typical backdown symptoms, which were ; shudders, sudating, hallucinating, and agitation, which meant he scored 20 & gt ; .Nonetheless, this presented a important hazard, if left untreated may take to complications. Mr B was treated as per protocol, which is ; Librium is benzodiazepine minor tranquilizers drug, which is used for short-run anxiousness, and should non be used long-run ( bnf 2010 ) . Harmonizing ( NICE ) guidelines the protocol intervention for anxiousness is 10 mgs Three times daily ( TDS ) , and may increased if necessary to 60-100 mgs daily in divided doses. The dosing government is a fixed dosage, get downing on twenty-four hours one at 20-30milligrams ( MGS ) four times daily, twenty-four hours two 20-30mgs three times day-to-day, twenty-four hours two 20-30mgs twice daily, and twenty-four hours four 20-30mgs one at bedtime. There is besides a symptoms triggered dose as required ( PRN ) , this depends on the badness of the symptoms. Benzodiazepine acts on receptors in the cardinal nervous system ( CNS ) to originate the action of gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) , which is a neurotransmitter. ( GABA ) receptors have at least two benzodiazepine receptors, which are named BZ and BZ2, when stimulated they enhance the repressive action by the ( GABA ) ( Alan et al. 2004 ) As Mr B ‘s brain disorder was impacting his degree of consciousness, it was significantly of import that we carried out his neurological observations. Neurological observations is whereby an appraisal and rating of an person ‘s unity and map of an person ‘s nervous system ( Rowley & A ; Fielding 1991 ) .CHECK WEB His status has meant that he is temporarily paralyzed, doing his musculuss to weaken, decreasing his physical strength. As a consequence he may potentially necessitate physical therapy. ( ref ) Education can be An probe that may be done to discourage if there is any obstructor in the portal venous system is an angiography, which establishes the cause and site of obstructor. It is besides critical that Mr B has an endoscopy, which will uncover gastro-oesophageal varices. It is of import that Mr B ‘s haemoglobin is closely monitored, this will bespeak if there is any signifier of bleed or obstructor ( Miller et al 2006 ) . PHARM Ascitess is another clinical manifestation of hepatic cirrhosis. It is where serous fluid is repeatedly produced in the peritoneal cavity.. This is when an accretion of fluid in the abdominal pit enters quicker than it can be returned to the circulation by the capillaries and lymphatics. If this is left untreated, the accretion of fluid will compromise Mr B ‘s critical variety meats, doing it hard for them to map. One of the mechanisms of ascites is hypoalbuminemia, whereby the liver is unable to synthesise albumen. It is of import this fluid is drained from the abdominal pit. There are two interventions which are used to run out this extra fluid. One is, an anti-diuretic called spriolactone, which is a loop water pill. Ref bnf This is done so by the interpolation of an ascitic drain. ref Anderson et al defines that the disposal of whole blood or any of its constituents into the blood stream, to rectify or handle any clinical abnormalcies ( 1994 ) . Mr B was given Human Albumin Solution ( HAS ) transfusion to modulate is hypoalbuminemia. Harmonizing to the ( BNF ) 20-25 % of concentrated solution of ( HAS ) may be used to obtain a diuresis in hypoalbuminaemic, it is of import whilst a patient receives this plasma replacement, their unstable balance is closely monitored ( 2010 ) . FBC REF Patients with alcohol-related liver disease are frequently malnourished, which accordingly has disadvantageous effects in their endurance ( Mendenhall et al.1984 ) KEISER MODEL As intoxicant abuse is going a immense load on the national wellness service ( 2000 ) . NICE guidelines stated that when such patients present themselves to hospital, it is of import that they are referred to the appropriate health care professional, which will guarantee they receive equal support ( 2010 ) . On admittance Mr B was referred to the intoxicant specializer nurse ( ANS ) , who deal with the intervention, after attention, and followup. Mr become nutritionally depleted as a consequence of his intoxicant liver diease, it was indispensable that was introduced some signifier of nutrition. ( Lechtenberg & A ; Warner ) states that Nutritional support must be offered, and see implementing a nasogastric tubing eating ( NG ) ( 1992 ) . KIASER MODEL The Kaiser theoretical account is to assist guarantee that there is a strategic and systemic attack towards those with ( LTC ‘s ) . It focuses in instance direction on the most vulnerable people with ( LTC ‘s ) . Mr B degree of attention is disease specific direction, which is ( flat 2 ) , this encompasses tracts and protocols. As mentioned earlier in the assignment there is presently no ( NSF ) for people with alcoholic liver disease. However, there are ( NICE ) guidelines to help in supplying attention for people with ( ALD ) . Mr B was populating independently prior to his admittance, with no input from multidisciplinary squad ( MDT ) . Planing the discharge on Mr B meant I had to look at the wider facets of his illness/condition. I feel that the execution of societal services would be highly benifical to Mr B. A referral to a liver nurse specializer I feel that Mr B would profit from a support group such as alkies anon. , which may assist diminish his hereafter admittances to infirmary. The Alcohol Needs Assessment Research Project ( ANARP ; Department of Health, 2005 ) identifies three classs of alcohol-use upsets. The clinical grounds reappraisal showed that benzodiazepines were more effectual than placebo for the bar of craze tremens and intoxicant backdown seizures26. The mean cost for handling patients with AAW across all trusts in England and Wales was estimated to be ?219 per in-patient day181. Acute intoxicant backdown hypertext transfer protocol: // barr A. Drink: a societal history London 1998? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ref orford j. inordinate appetencies: psychological position of dependences 2nd edition chichester: wiley 2001 hypertext transfer protocol: // You must back up people in caring for themselves to better and keep their wellness Shaw JM, Kolesar GS, Sellers EM, Kaplan HL, Sandor P. Development of optimum intervention tactics for intoxicant backdown, I: appraisal and effectivity of supportive attention. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1981 ; 8:382-389. British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. British National Formulary. 58 erectile dysfunction. London: United kingdom: BMJ Group and RPS Publishing ; 2009. DO NOT REF BELOW hypertext transfer protocol: // id=q4qMwXJm4iwC & A ; pg=PR13 & A ; dq=Roper+N+etal+ ( 1996 ) +The+elements+of+nursing+a+model+for & A ; hl=en & A ; ei=BPYDTfPxJoyU4gbfwsWTCg & A ; sa=X & A ; oi=book_result & A ; ct=result & A ; resnum=1 & A ; ved=0CDMQ6AEwAA # v=onepage & A ; q & A ; f=false Fatty liver disease is reversible. If you stop imbibing intoxicant for two hebdomads, your liver should return to normal. Alcoholic liver disease is widespread in England. It is estimated that: 90-100 % of heavy drinkers have alcoholic fatty liver disease oneA in fourA drinkers with fatty liver disease will develop alcoholic hepatitis one in five drinkers with fatty liver disease will develop cirrhosis A heavy drinker is person who on a regular basis exceeds the recommended hebdomadal bound for intoxicant ingestion. This isA 3-4A units of intoxicant a twenty-four hours for work forces, andA 2-3A units for adult females. Womans are more likely to develop alcoholic liver disease, but work forces are more likely to decease from it, perchance because work forces tend to be heavier drinkers. In 2008, there were 4,764 deceases in England and Wales due to alcoholic liver disease. Three-fourthss ofA these were work forces. Death ratesA linked to alcoholic liver disease have risen by over two-thirds ( 69 % ) A in the lastA 30 old ages. This makes alcohol one of the most common causes of decease, along with smoke and high blood force per unit area. Fatty liver disease and hepatitis can develop at any age. Cirrhosis normally develops in people aged 40 or over.A However, instances of cirrhosis have been reported in people of all ages, including adolescents. NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries, intoxicant abuse. hypertext transfer protocol: // Aped hypertext transfer protocol: // ID=1027 & A ; Pos=1 & A ; ColRank=2 & A ; Rank=1000 Roper N etal ( 1996 ) The elements of nursing a theoretical account for hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Heaven C.M. & A ; Maguire P. ( 1996 ) Training hospice nurses to arouse patient concerns. Journal of Advanced Nursing 23, 280AÂ ±286. International Council of Nursing ( 2007 ) Anderson, K.N. , Anderson, L.E. & A ; Glanze, W.D. ( explosive detection systems ) ( 1994 ) Mosby ‘s medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary, 4th edition. Mosby, St Louis, MO. Galbraith, A, Bullock, S, Manias, E, Hunt, B & A ; Richards, A92004 ) Fundamentalss of Pharmacology, Second Edition, Essex, Pearson Education Limited hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Mendenhall CL, Anderson S, Garcia PP et Al. Short-run and long-run endurance in patients with alcoholic hepatitis treated with oxandrolone and Pediapred. New England Journal of Medicine. 1984 ; 311 ( 23 ) :1464-1470. Lechtenberg R, Worner TM. Entire ethanol ingestion as a ictus hazard factor in alkies. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 1992 ; 85 ( 2 ) :90-94